MyCAP Student Advisor, Salem Public Schools Internship Program, INTERNAL CANDIDATES ONLY SY2024-2025
MyCAP stands for My Career and Academic Plan. We are looking for a few students to joing our advisory team to help make decisions about what students will be learning about in the future!
Requirements & Details:
- You must be at least 14 years old
- You have to commit to 10 hours total throughtout the rest of the school year: typically 1 hour every 2-3 weeks
- You will be paid $150 which will be given in two increments: half after completing 5 hours and the other half after completing the full 10 hours
- You will be testing different career assessments and digital platforms and provide your honest feedback on what you think should be incorporated in our school
- Interns must currently be an 8th grade student at Collins Middle School or Saltonstall
- Interns must complete all Salem Public Schools required paperwork prior to the start of their internship.
Salary: $150 (after completing 10 hours)
Contact Information: Elena Pizzotti,, MyCAP coordinator